For a few years now, Sony have been selling water resistant phones, and to be fair, it’s fantastic to see a phone manufacturer making an effort to make their phones last longer, and survive everyday life. However, when the phone is dropped on the ground, or receives any sort of physical damage, then the phone can often become as prone to water damage as any other phone. 

In the case of the phone featured here, this damaged Z3 Compact was brought to our repair centre because it needed a Z3 Compact screen replacement. Unfortunately, the phone had also gotten wet since it was dropped, so one of our engineers was able to work on the board of the water damaged Z3 Compact, and replace the screen once the phone was back up and running, with a full 12 month warranty.

Broken Z3 Compact? Check out our Sony Repair page for more information on repairs and prices, and fill out a short Repair Request form to have your device collected free of charge!