The design flaws of the older Xbox are well documented, and are a famous issue that kept Xbox owners up at night worrying. When the Xbox One was released, there was a worry that the GPU problems that plagued it’s older brother would be back, but unfortunately it takes time for it to become apparent, so we had to wait and see. It is now close to 2 and a half years since the Xbox One was released, and so far there doesn’t seem to be a repeat of this problem. 

This particular broken Xbox One had an issue that couldn’t really be blamed on Microsoft; the disc drive stopped working as it had been ‘misused’ at some point in it’s life. Our technicians diagnosed the fault with the damaged Xbox, and determined that this was the only fault with the console, and it would require an Xbox One disc drive replacement. One of our technicans then replaced the damaged disc drive in a couple of hours, getting the broken Xbox One back up and running in no time. 

Damaged Xbox One? Check out our Xbox Repair page for more information on getting your Xbox repaired, and fill in a short Repair Request to have your Xbox collected, free of charge, anywhere in the country.