With the release of iOS 10.1 on Monday, one particular camera feature that has been quite popular with the iPhone 7 Plus has made its way to the iPhone 7. 

In a hardware sense, the iPhone 7 Plus has a key advantage over the smaller iPhone 7; it has two camera lenses, which allows it’s ‘Portrait Mode’ feature to blur out backgrounds when taking photos. This ability generally belongs on more professional cameras, with the capability to shoot with wider apertures to give that blurred background effect, but although the iPhone 7 Plus isn’t the first phone to have this capability, Apple featuring it will certainly thrust this feature into the spotlight. 

As of yesterday, this feature was introduced to the iPhone 7, all be it still in ‘Beta’ stages of use, so some of the functionality may improve with future updates. This feature works using a combination of Apple’s facial recognition software, rather than the way DSLR cameras do this by managing light. As this effect is created using the phones software are not optics like in a camera, there will be errors in it’s use, and it only functions properly when the subject of your picture is a person. 

As with any of your iPhone woes, if you do happen to damage your iPhone while testing out your photography skills, let us know by filling in a short Quick Estimate, and we can have your iPhone back up and running (and shooting) in no time!