Sometimes we start to think that everybody has a broken iPhone screen, but to be fair to Apple, almost all of them continue working with the cracked screen. This particular broken iPhone 5c however, did not. A lot of the time, either the touch screen will stop responding, or the display screen under the touch screen will burst, causing the familiar ‘ink bleed’ you see on some screens. 

Also, a broken screen is horrible looking, and is a constant annoyance when attempting to read text, watch videos, or play games on your phone. 

One of engineers will perform an iPhone 5c screen replacement in an hour and a half, leaving the the phone looking as good as new, with a full 6 month warranty. 

Broken iPhone? Have a look at our iPhone Repair page, and see our most common repairs, and prices. Fill out a short Repair Request form, and get your device collected from you, anywhere in the country, free of charge!