The Samsung Galaxy S3 was a hugely popular phone from Samsung, and when holding one in your hand, it’s hard to believe that it’s three generations old now. This particular damaged Galaxy S3 was dropped into our repair centre for a variety of problems, from the screen being smashed, to the device not actually powering on. On closer inspection, our engineers diagnosed that as well as the Galaxy S3 screen damage, it also had a short circuiting data port, so both parts would need to be replaced. 

Thankfully, one of our engineers was able to replace the cracked Galaxy S3 screen in a couple of hours, and replaced the Galaxy S3 data port at the same time, getting this particular Samsung Galaxy S3 back up and running in no time, with a full 12 month warranty. 

Broken Samsung Galaxy phone? Check out our Samsung Repairs page for more information on repairs and prices, and fill out a short Repair Request form to have your device collected free of charge anywhere in the country!